In Spanish, stem-changing verbs are action words that suffer a change in their stem when they are conjugated.
For example, the e in pensar (to think) changes to ie when it is conjugated: pienso (I think.).
The most common stem-changing verbs in Spanish are tener (to have), poder (can), and querer (to want).
In the chart, the blue letters represent the stem changes.

The Spanish language has 5 different stem-changing patterns.
The 3 most common patterns are:
• e changes to ie
• o changes to ue
• e changes to i
The following patterns are usually not taught in schools because only 3 verbs fit into these categories.
• u changes to ue (jugar)
• i changes to ie (adquirir, inquirir)
Today, you will learn…
Spanish Stem-changing Verbs
Stem-changing verbs in Spanish suffer a change in their stem when they are conjugated.
What does that mean? Let me explain…
A verb stem is the root of a verb. For example, in the verb amar, am is the stem, and ar is the ending.
In Spanish, all verbs end in one of three ways:
• verbs that end in -ar
• verbs that end in -er
• verbs that end in -ir
If you eliminate the ending of a verb, all you are left with is its stem.
In Spanish, a verb is considered irregular when there is a change in its stem when it is conjugated.
If the stem of a verb does not change when the verb is conjugated, then, it is considered a regular verb.
Let’s practice a bit!
What’s the stem of the verb querer (to love)?
It’s quer.
When conjugated, the verb querer changes to quiero (I love), for example.
Is querer a stem-changing verb in Spanish or not?
Yes, it is! Its stem changes, for the vowel i is added in quer.
Oh! The verbs we are about to study are also called shoe verbs or boot verbs.
Have you ever wondered why?
It’s because when they are conjugated and placed in a conjugation table, the only verbs that suffer a stem change form a boot.
quiero | queremos |
quieres | queréis |
quiere | quieren |
That kind of looks like a boot, doesn’t it?
Notice in the chart that the nosotros and vosotros forms are not affected by this stem change in the present tense.
For a list of more than 100 stem-changing verbs in Spanish and a conjugation cheat sheet, visit List of Stem Changing Verbs in Spanish [+150 Verbs].
Stem Changing Patterns
The Spanish language has 5 different stem-changing patterns.
• e changes to ie
• o changes to ue
• e changes to i
• u changes to ue
• i changes to ie
Each verb has its own set of endings that are added to the verb stem.
Let’s learn about them!
E Changes to IE
Notice that the e in pensar changes to ie when it is conjugated in the present tense.
The nosotros and vosotros forms are unaffected by this change.

• yo pienso
• tú piensas
• él piensa
• nosotros pensamos
• vosotros pensáis
• ellos piensan
Here are common -ar, -er, and -ir verbs that suffer this stem change.
• acertar (guess)
• alentar (encourage)
• apretar (tighten)
• arrendar (rent)
• asentar (settle)
• querer (love, want)
• ascender (promote)
• atender (attend)
• defender (defend)
• desatender (neglect)
• preferir (prefer)
• mentir (lie)
• concernir (concern)
• adherir (adhere, attach)
• adquirir (acquire, buy)
O Changes to UE
Notice that the o in volver changes to ue when it is conjugated in the present tense.

• yo vuelvo
• tú vuelves
• él vuelve
• nosotros volvemos
• vosotros volvéis
• ellos vuelven
These are common -ar, -er, and -ir verbs that suffer this stem change.
• acordar (agree)
• apostar (bet)
• aprobar (approve)
• asolar (destroy)
• colar (strain)
• absolver (absolve)
• conmover (stir)
• demoler (demolish)
• desenvolver (unfold)
• devolver (return)
• morir (die)
• dormir (sleep)
E Changes to I
Notice that the e in pedir changes to i when it is conjugated in the present tense.

• yo pido
• tú pides
• él pide
• nosotros pedimos
• vosotros pedís
• ellos piden
Only -ir verbs suffer this stem change. Look!
• seguir (follow)
• sonreír (smile)
• repetir (repeat)
• teñir (dye)
• elegir (choose)
• regir (govern)
• pedir (ask)
• derretir (melt)
• despedir (dismiss)
• freír (fry)
• gemir (groan)
• impedir (prevent)
U Changes to UE
Notice that the u in jugar changes to ue when it is conjugated in the present tense.
• yo juego
• tú juegas
• él juega
• nosotros jugamos
• vosotros jugáis
• ellos juegan
Jugar is the only verb in this category.
I Changes to IE
Notice that the i in adquirir changes to ie when it is conjugated in the present tense.
• yo adquiero
• tú adquieres
• él adquiere
• nosotros adquirimos
• vosotros adquirís
• ellos adquieren
Adquirir (to acquire) and inquirir (to inquire) are the only verbs in this category.
Learn Stem Changing Verbs
A psychologist called Endel Tulving carried out an interesting experiment.
He formed two groups of students and gave each group 100 cards with words printed on them.
He asked one group to memorize the cards. The other group was asked to organize the cards into categories.
The results surprised Endel! When tested, both groups remembered the vocabulary with the same precision.
Yes, organizing stem-changing verbs into a few categories can help you remember their conjugation!
Stem Changing Verb Practice
Let’s practice!
Download the chart below and conjugate the extra verbs following the patterns!
Pay attention to the category they belong to.

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