Here’s a complete list of Spanish words to ask for and give information about food!
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Table of Contents
Food Vocabulary
At the end of the post, you will find a food vocabulary chart that can help you remember what you learn today.
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Asking About Food
• ¿Qué es el gazpacho? (What is gazpacho?)
• Es una sopa. (It’s a soup.)
• ¿Qué lleva la ensalada? (What’s in the salad?)
• Lleva tomate y lechuga. (It has tomato and lettuce.)
• ¿Qué llevan los macarrones? (What’s in the pasta?)
• Llevan queso. (It has cheese.)
Vegetables and Greens
• la cebolla (onion)
• el tomate (tomato)
• las patatas / papas (potato)
• la calabaza (pumpkin)
• el pepino (cucumber)
• el calabacín (zucchini)
• la lechuga (lettuce)
• el rábano (radish)
• el brócoli (broccoli)
• la remolacha (beet)
• el aguacate / la palta (avocado)
• la piña (pineapple)
• la banana (banana)
• la cereza (cherry)
• el coco (coconut)
• el durazno (peach)
• la frambuesa (raspberry)
• la fresa (strawberry)
• el higo (fig)
• el kiwi (kiwi)
• el limón (lemon)
• la mandarina (tangarine)
• el mango (mango)
• la manzana (apple)
• el melón (melon)
• la naranja (orange)
• la papaya (papaya)
• la pera (pear)
• la sandía (watermelon)
• la uva (grape)
Wondering how to order tacos in Spanish? Check out the post How to Order Tacos in Spanish (Easy Formula).
Cereals and Legumes
• el arroz (rice)
• el maíz (corn)
• el trigo (wheat)
• la cebada (barley)
• la avena (oats)
• la quinua (quinoa)
• la harina (flour)
• los garbanzos (chickpeas)
• las lentejas (lentils)
• el pan (bread)
Milk Products
• la leche (milk)
• el yogur (yogurt)
• el helado / sorbete (ice cream)
• el queso (cheese)
• la crema (cream)
• el pollo (chicken)
• la res (beef)
• el cerdo (pork)
• el chorizo (chorizo)
• el jamón (ham)
• la salchicha (sausage)
• el pescado (fish)
• el tocino (bacon)
• el agua (water)
• el café (coffee)
• el té (tea)
• la cerveza (beer)
• el vino (wine)
• el zumo / jugo (juice)
• la soda (soda)
Ways to Cook
Crudo, cocido, frito and saltado are adjectives. They describe how a food has been cooked.
Since adjectives in Spanish agree in gender and number with the word they describe, crudo will change to cruda when you describe a feminine word.
• crudo / a / os / as (raw)
• cocido / a / os / as (boiled)
• saltado / a / os / as (sauteed)
• frito / a / os / as (fried)
• a la plancha (griddled)
• a la parrila (grilled)
• al horno (baked)
• al vapor (steamed)
Food Vocabulary Chart
And that’s it for today! Here’s a little chart that can help you remember these words!
Interested in learning more Spanish vocabulary? Visit the post Top 1000 Spanish Words!
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