Are the numbers from 1 to 10 new to you? If so, I would recommend you learn them, for you will need them to deal with the numbers that follow.

numbers from 1 to 10 in spanish

Numbers from 1 to 10

Take a look at the numbers from 1 to ten in Spanish!

Within the brackets, you will see the recommended pronunciation.

  1. uno (ooh-no)
  2. dos (dohs)
  3. tres (trehs)
  4. cuatro (kwah-troh)
  5. cinco (seen-koh)
  6. seis (seh-ees)
  7. siete (see-eh-teh)
  8. ocho (oh-choh)
  9. nueve (noo-eh-beh)
  10. diez (dee-ehs)

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Ready to learn more numbers? Take a look at the post called The Numbers from 1 to 1000 in Spanish!

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