Table of Contents
Spanish Colors

The colors amarillo, rojo, negro and blanco must agree in gender and in number with the noun they describe. What does this mean?
It means that if the noun they describe is feminine, they must be feminine, and if that same word is also plural, they will be feminine and plural.
The colors naranja, rosa, lila, verde, azul, gris, marrón and beis must agree only in number with the noun they describe.
- amarillo/a/os/as (yellow)
- blanco/a/os/as (white)
- negro/a/os/as (black)
- rojo/a/os/as (red)
- azul/es (blue)
- gris/es (gray)
- naranja/s (orange)
- lila/s (purple)
- rosa/s (pink)
- verde/s (green)
- marrón/ones (brown)
- beis (beige)
How to Say the Colors in Spanish
To listen to the pronunciation of the most important and basic colors in Spanish watch the video below.

How to Use the Colors in Spanish
Colors are adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe, and they usually describe nouns.
What’s a noun? I like Merriam-Webster’s definition: “A noun is a word that refers to a thing (book), a person (Betty Crocker), an animal (cat), a place (Omaha), a quality (softness), an idea (justice), or an action (yodeling).”
Color names in Spanish can be used to describe nouns and to refer to them. Let’s see how!
Colors to Describe Nouns
- la camiseta blanca (correct)
- la blanca camiseta (incorrect)
- la camiseta negra
- el gorro negro
- las camisetas negras
- los gorros negros
- la camiseta naranja
- el gorro naranja
- las camisetas naranjas
- los gorros naranjas
- Mi goma es rosa.
- El cielo está azul.
- Sus tijeras son verdes.
- Mis ojos están rojos.
Colors to Refer to Nouns
- el coche negro → el negro
- la falda roja → la roja
- los calcetines blancos → los blancos
- las medias rosas → las rosas
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