Are the numbers from 1 to 20 new to you? If so, I would recommend you learn them, for you will need them to deal with the numbers that follow.
Numbers from 1 to 20

Play the audio below to listen to the pronunciation of the numbers from 1 to 20.
- uno
- dos
- tres
- cuatro
- cinco
- seis
- siete
- ocho
- nueve
- diez
- once
- doce
- trece
- catorce
- quince
- dieciséis
- diecisiete
- dieciocho
- diecinueve
- veinte
Special Rule
Uno (one) is the only number in this series that has gender.
Uno turns into three different words depending on how you use it in a conversation.
• un (Use it with masculine nouns.)
• una (Use it with feminine nouns.)
• uno (Use it to substitute a noun.)
Un, una, and uno are equivalent to the English words “a,” “an,” and “one.”
For a full explanation on how to use un, una, and uno visit the post called Definite and Indefinite Articles in Spanish.
Numbers from 21 to 29
Unlike English, numbers from 21 to 29 are expressed as one word in Spanish. Instead of saying veinte uno, Spanish speakers say veintiuno.
- veintiuno
- veintidós
- veintitrés
- veinticuatro
- veinticinco
- veintiséis
- veintisiete
- veintiocho
- veintinueve
Numbers from 30 to 100
In Spanish, numbers after 30 are expressed as individual words.
- treinta
- treinta y uno
- treinta y dos
- treinta y tres
- treinta y cuatro
- treinta y cinco
- treinta y seis
- treinta y siete
- treinta y ocho
- treinta y nueve
- cuarenta
- cincuenta
- sesenta
- setenta
- ochenta
- noventa
- noventa y nueve
- cien
Here’s a little chart that can help you remember the numbers from 1 – 100!

Now, it’s time for a quiz! What’s the word for 51 in Spanish?
- cincuenta y uno
Numbers from 101 – 1000
Congratulations! You got to 100! Now you can breathe a sigh of relief. Spanish numbers are pretty predictable from this point on. Take a look!
- ciento uno
- ciento dos
- ciento tres
- ciento cuatro
- ciento cinco
- ciento seis
- ciento siete
- ciento ocho
- ciento nueve
- ciento diez
- ciento once
- ciento doce
- ciento trece
- ciento catorce
- ciento quince
- ciento dieciséis
- ciento diecisiete
- ciento dieciocho
- ciento diecinueve
- ciento veinte
- ciento veintiuno
- ciento veintidós
- ciento veintitrés
- ciento veinticuatro
- ciento veinticinco
- ciento veintiséis
- ciento veintisiete
- ciento veintiocho
- ciento veintinueve
- ciento treinta
Swap the word ciento for one of the numbers below to count up to 1000!
- doscientos
- trescientos
- cuatrocientos
- quinientos
- seiscientos
- setecientos
- ochocientos
- novecientos
- mil
I have a question for you. What’s the word for 932 in Spanish?
- novecientos treinta y dos
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