Usted, Tú, Vos – You

Usted, tú, and vos mean you.

 and vos are usually used to talk to family and friends.

The use of  and vos depends on where you are. For example, people from Argentina use vos, while Mexicans use .

eres mi amigo. (You are my friend.)

Vos sos mi amigo. (You are my friend.)

Usted is usually used to talk to older people or in professional relationships. 

Usted is used to show respect. However, in certain areas of Colombia and Costa Rica, this pronoun is used with family and friends.

Usted es el jefe. (You are the boss.) 

In Latin America, ustedes is used to address several people at once.

People in Spain use vosotros or vosotras instead. 

Vosotros is used to address a group of men or a group of men and women. Vosotras is only used to address a group of women.

● ¿Ustedes qué piensan? (What do you guys think?)

● ¿Vosotros qué pensáis? (What do you guys think?)

In the post How to Conjugate Spanish Regular Verbs, I explain in more detail how to use these little words.