Here’s a list of 1000 common Spanish verbs! In this list, you will find…
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List of Spanish Regular Verbs
In the Spanish language, all verbs belong to one of three classifications or groups.
1. Verbs that end in -ar
2. Verbs that end in -er
3. Verbs that end in -ir
Spanish verbs, when they appear in their original form (infinitives), are made up of two parts: a stem and an ending.
In the verb amar, –am is its stem. –Ar is the ending.
Spanish verbs are considered regular if their stem does not change when they are conjugated.
Regular Verbs that End in AR
- abundar (abound) | see conjugation
- aclarar (clarify) | see conjugation
- acomodar (accommodate)
- aconsejar (advise)
- acostumbrar (accustom)
- activar (activate)
- acumular (accumulate)
- adaptar (adapt)
- adelantar (forward)
- adivinar (guess)
- afirmar (claim)
- afrontar (face)
- agotar (sell out)
- agravar (aggravate)
- agrupar (group)
- aguantar (endure)
- aguardar (wait for)
- ahorrar (save)
- aislar (isolate)
- alejar (take away)
- alertar (alert)
- almacenar (store)
- alojar (host)
- animar (animate)
- anotar (take notes)
- anticipar (anticipate)
- anular (cancel)
- apartar (separate)
- apelar (appeal)
- aportar (provide)
- apoyar (support)
- aprovechar (take advantage)
- aproximar (approach)
- argumentar (argue)
- arrastrar (drag)
- arrojar (throw)
- asegurar (secure)
- asomar (show, peek)
- acariciar (caress)
- aliviar (alleviate)
- apreciar (appreciate)
- asociar (associate)
- abonar (pay, fertilise)
- abordar (address, approach, tackle)
- abortar (abort, cancel)
- descansar (rest)
- abrumar (overcome, overwhelm, exhaust)
- abusar (abuse, misuse)
- acabar (finish, end, stop)
- acampar (camp, go camping)
- acelerar (accelerate, speed up, expedite)
- aceptar (accept, agree to, take sb./sth)
- acompañar (accompany, go with sb., join sb./sth.)
- acusar (accuse sb. of sth., blame sb. for sth.)
- adeudar (owe)
- administrar (manage, administer, dispense)
- admirar (admire, look up)
- adobar (baste sth, pickle sth.)
- adoptar (adopt)
- adornar (decorate, garnish)
- afamar (promote, fame)
- afectar (affect, influence sb./sth.)
- afilar (sharpen)
- afinar (refine, tune up)
- aflojar (loosen, undo sth.)
- agachar (bend)
- agarrar (grab, grasp, take)
- agitar (shake, agitate, stir)
- ajustar (adjust, adapt)
- alabar (praise, commend)
- alarmar (alarm, startle sb., frighten sb./sth.)
- alegrar (cheer up, brighten sb./sth.)
- alimentar (nurture, feed, fuel)
- alisar (smooth, straighten)
- alistar (get ready)
- alquilar (rent)
- alterar (alter, change)
- amar (love)
- amputar (amputate, cut off)
- amueblar (furnish)
- anhelar (long, wish, look forward)
- anunciar (announce, advertise, declare)
- apestar (smell, stink)
- apilar (stack, pile)
- aplastar (crush)
- apuntar (aim)
- apurar (hasten)
- arañar (scratch)
- lograr (achieve, reach, accomplish)
- arar (plough)
- armar (build)
- arreglar (fix, arrange, repair)
- arropar (wrap up)
- articular (articulate)
- asar (roast, grill sth.)
- asear (tidy sth. up)
- asesorar (advise, counsel sb./sth.)
- asignar (assign, allocate)
- asimilar (assimilate, take sth. in)
- aspirar (pursue sth., vacuum sth.)
- asustar (frighten, scare)
- atar (tie, bind sb./sth.)
- atornillar (screw)
- atrapar (catch, trap)
- auditar (audit)
- aumentar (increase, enhance)
- ayudar (help, assist sb./sth.)
- bailar (dance)
- brillar (shine)
- brindar (give)
- brotar (sprout)
- burlar (cheat)
- bajar (lower, decrease)
- bañar (bathe, coat sth.)
- besar (kiss)
- borrar (delete, erase)
- bordar (embroider)
- calcular (calculate)
- callar (silence)
- calmar (calm)
- cambiar (change)
- caminar (walk)
- cancelar (cancel)
- cansar (get tired)
- cantar (sing)
- capacitar (train)
- captar (get)
- capturar (capture)
- casar (marry)
- causar (cause, create)
- cenar (have dinner, dine)
- citar (quote sb./sth.)
- crear (create)
- curar (cure, heal)
- dañar (damage, harm, injure)
- depositar (deposit, deliver)
- dejar (stop, allow, quit)
- desayunar (have breakfast)
- desear (desire, wish)
- doblar (bend, double, fold)
- donar (donate, give)
- drenar (drain)
- duchar (shower)
- echar (pour)
- editar (edit, modify sth.)
- egresar (graduate)
- ejercitar (exercise, train sb./sth.)
- elaborar (develop, prepare sth.)
- elogiar (commend, praise)
- emigrar (migrate)
- empujar (push sb./sth., shove sb./sth.)
- enflorar (adorn with flowers)
- enrollar (roll, wind, coil)
- envenenar (poison)
- estafar (defraud)
- esperar (wait)
- estimar (estimate, cost, calculate)
- estorbar (hinder sb./sth.)
- estudiar (study, examine)
- evitar (avoid)
- exclamar (exclaim)
- expirar (expire)
- explotar (exploit, develop)
- exportar (export)
- fumar (smoke)
- ganar (win, gain, earn)
- gastar (spend)
- girar (turn)
- golpear (hit sb./sth.)
- grabar (record)
- habilitar (enable sb./sth.)
- habitar (inhabit)
- hablar (speak, talk)
- heredar (inherit)
- holgazanear (slack)
- honrar (honor, grace)
- humectar (moisturize)
- humillar (humiliate)
- hurtar (steal)
- idear (devise, design)
- ignorar (ignore, disregard)
- igualar (match)
- ilusionar (deceive)
- ilustrar (illustrate)
- imaginar (imagine)
- impactar (impact)
- implementar (implement)
- importar (import, matter, care)
- imposibilitar (preclude)
- impresionar (impress)
- improvisar (improvise)
- impulsar (drive, boost, push, power)
- inaugurar (inaugurate, open)
- incapacitar (incapacitate, disable)
- incentivar (incentivize)
- incitar (incite, encourage, prompt)
- inclinar (tilt, tip sth.)
- incomodar (discomfort sb.)
- incorporar (incorporate)
- incrementar (increase, augment)
- incrustar (embed)
- incubar (hatch, incubate)
- infectar (infect)
- infiltrar (infiltrate)
- influenciar (influence, bias)
- inhabilitar (disable)
- inhalar (inhale)
- iniciar (start, begin, initiate)
- innovar (innovate)
- inspeccionar (inspect, scan sth., examine)
- inspirar (inspire)
- instalar (install)
- insultar (insult)
- intentar (try, attempt)
- intercalar (insert, intersperse)
- intercambiar (exchange, swap)
- intimidar (intimidate, bully)
- invalidar (invalidate, override)
- inventar (invent, create)
- invitar (invite)
- involucrar (involve, engage)
- inyectar (inject)
- irradiar (radiate, shine)
- irrespetar (disrespect, ignore)
- irritar (irritate, annoy)
- jalar (pull)
- juntar (join, gather)
- jurar (swear, vow)
- laborar (work)
- labrar (plow)
- ladrar (bark)
- laminar (laminate)
- lapidar (stone)
- lastimar (hurt, harm)
- lavar (wash, rinse)
- legislar (legislate, enact laws)
- levitar (levitate)
- liberar (release, unleash)
- licitar (bid)
- liderar (lead, pioneer)
- lidiar (deal, cope)
- limar (file, polish)
- limitar (limit, restrict)
- limpiar (clean, wipe)
- linchar (lynch)
- llamar (call, summon)
- llenar (fill, populate)
- llevar (carry, conduct)
- llorar (cry, weep)
- lloviznar (drizzle) [impersonal verb]
- luchar (fight, strive)
- madurar (mature, ripen)
- magullar (bruise)
- malinterpretar (misinterpret, misunderstand)
- maltratar (mistreat, abuse)
- mandar (send, order)
- manchar (stain, soil)
- manejar (drive, handle)
- maniobrar (maneuver)
- manipular (manipulate, tamper)
- mapear (map)
- maquillar (make up)
- maquinar (engineer, intrigue)
- marchar (march)
- matricular (register, enroll)
- meditar (meditate, reflect)
- mejorar (improve, enhance)
- mencionar (mention, name)
- menear (wag, swish)
- menospreciar (underestimate, despise)
- mezclar (mix, blend)
- migrar (migrate)
- mimar (pamper, spoil)
- mirar (look, gaze)
- modelar (model, shape)
- moldear (mold)
- molestar (disturb, annoy)
- monitorear (monitor, track)
- mordisquear (chew)
- motivar (motivate, inspire)
- multar (fine, ticket)
- nadar (swim)
- narrar (tell, narrate)
- necesitar (need, require)
- negociar (negotiate, deal)
- nombrar (name, appoint)
- nominar (nominate)
- noquear (knock out)
- notar (note, notice)
- nublar (cloud, blur)
- objetar (object, refute)
- obrar (work, act)
- obsequiar (give, treat)
- observar (observe, notice)
- obsesionar (obsess)
- ocasionar (cause, create)
- odiar (hate)
- ofertar (offer, bid)
- olfatear (sniff, scent)
- olvidar (forget)
- optar (opt, select)
- orar (pray)
- ordenar (order, command)
- ordeñar (milk)
- operar (operate)
- opinar (voice, comment on)
- orientar (guide, direct)
- originar (cause, originate)
- orquestar (orchestrate)
- oxidar (oxidize, rust)
- oxigenar (oxygenate)
- pactar (covenant, compromise)
- palpar (feel, palpate)
- parar (stop, pause)
- participar (participate, engage)
- pasar (spend, pass, happen)
- pasear (walk, stroll)
- pastar (graze, pasture)
- patentar (patent)
- patinar (skate, skid)
- patrocinar (sponsor)
- patrullar (patrol)
- pausar (pause)
- peinar (comb, style)
- pelar (peel, skin)
- pelear (fight, argue)
- penetrar (penetrate, enter)
- pensionar (pension)
- perdonar (forgive, spare)
- perfeccionar (perfect, improve)
- perforar (drill, perforate)
- perfumar (perfume, scent)
- perseverar (persevere, persist)
- perturbar (disrupt, disturb)
- pesar (weigh)
- pestañear (blink, wink)
- picotear (peck)
- pilotear (pilot, drive)
- pintar (paint, portray)
- pisar (step, foot)
- pisotear (trample, stamp)
- pitar (beep, honk)
- planchar (iron, press)
- plantear (raise, pose)
- plasmar (depict, reflect)
- podar (prune, crop)
- porracear (thrash)
- portar (carry, wear)
- posar (pose, model)
- precipitar (precipitate, rush)
- predeterminar (predetermine, preset)
- predominar (predominate, prevail)
- prefigurar (prefigure, foreshadow)
- preguntar (ask, question)
- preocupar (concern, worry)
- preparar (prepare, make)
- presenciar (witness, attend)
- presentar (submit, file)
- preservar (preserve, conserve)
- presionar (pressure, press)
- presupuestar (budget, estimate)
- procesar (process, prosecute)
- procrastinar (procrastinate)
- procrear (procreate, breed)
- procurar (ensure, try)
- profanar (desecrate, profane)
- programar (schedule, program)
- progresar (progress, advance)
- proliferar (proliferate)
- promediar (average)
- promocionar (promote, advertise)
- pronunciar (pronounce, utter)
- proporcionar (provide, give)
- propulsar (propel)
- prosperar (prosper, thrive)
- protestar (protest, complain)
- quedar (stay, remain)
- quemar (burn, sear)
- quitar (remove, strip)
- racionar (ration)
- rasguñar (scratch)
- raspar (scrape)
- rasurar (shave)
- rayar (scratch)
- reaccionar (react, respond)
- reactivar (reactivate, revive)
- reafirmar (reaffirm, bolster)
- reagrupar (regroup, rearrange)
- reajustar (readjust, reset)
- rebajar (lower, reduce)
- rebalsar (spill)
- rebanar (slice, cut)
- rebotar (bounce, rebound)
- recapacitar (reconsider)
- recaudar (raise, collect)
- recetar (prescribe)
- recitar (recite, repeat)
- reclamar (claim, reclaim)
- reclinar (tilt. recline)
- recobrar (gain, recover)
- recolectar (collect, harvest)
- recompensar (reward, compensate)
- recortar (cut, trim)
- recrear (recreate, replicate)
- recuperar (recover, regain)
- redactar (draft, write)
- redondear (round)
- refinar (refine, polish)
- reflexionar (reflect, consider)
- reforestar (reforest)
- reformar (reform, overhaul)
- refugiar (shelter)
- refutar (refute, rebute)
- regalar (give, give away)
- regañar (scold, tell off)
- regatear (bargain, haggle)
- registrar (record, log)
- regocijar (rejoice)
- regresar (return, come back)
- rehabilitar (rehabilitate, reinstate)
- reinar (reign, rule)
- reiniciar (restart, reboot)
- reintegrar (reintegrate, refund)
- relatar (tell, narrate)
- rellenar (fill, complete)
- remar (row, paddle)
- rembolsar (reimburse, repay)
- remediar (remedy, alleviate)
- remojar (soak)
- remunerar (remunerate, compensate)
- rentar (rent, lease)
- renunciar (give up, quit)
- reorientar (redirect, realign)
- reparar (repair, fix)
- repasar (review, rework)
- representar (represent, picture)
- reprochar (reproach, blame)
- respaldar (support, endorse)
- respetar (respect, honor)
- respirar (breathe, inhale)
- restar (subtract, deduct)
- restaurar (restore, refurbish)
- resucitar (revive, resurrect)
- retar (challenge, defy)
- retirar (withdraw, take away)
- retrasar (delay, slow)
- retratar (portray, render)
- revelar (reveal, disclose)
- revolotear (flit)
- rifar (raffle)
- robar (steal, lift)
- ronronear (purr)
- rotar (rotate)
- rotular (label)
- saborear (taste)
- sabotear (sabotage)
- saciar (quench, satiate)
- saltar (jump, skip)
- saltear (sauté)
- saludar (greet, salute)
- salvaguardar (safeguard, protect)
- salvar (save, rescue)
- sanar (heal, recuperate)
- sancionar (punish, sanction)
- sancochar (parboiling)
- saquear (loot, plunder)
- saturar (saturate)
- sazonar (season, spice)
- seccionar (section, divide)
- segmentar (segment, section)
- sellar (seal, stamp)
- señalar (point, indicate)
- sentenciar (sentence, convict)
- separar (separate, part)
- silbar (whistle)
- silenciar (silence, mute)
- simular (simulate, fake)
- sobar (knead, touch)
- sobrestimar (overestimate)
- sobrellevar (cope with, endure)
- socavar (undermine, undercut)
- solicitar (request, apply)
- solucionar (solve, fix)
- solventar (resolve, settle)
- sombrear (shade)
- sondear (probe, survey)
- soplar (blow)
- soportar (support, bear)
- sospechar (suspect)
- subastar (auction)
- subcontratar (outsource, subcontract)
- subestimar (underestimate, undervalue)
- subrayar (stress, underline)
- succionar (suck)
- sudar (sweat)
- sujetar (hold, secure)
- sumar (add, sum)
- suministrar (provide, supply)
- superar (overcome, exceed)
- suplantar (supplant, impersonate)
- suspirar (sigh)
- sustentar (sustain)
- susurrar (whisper, murmur)
- suturar (suture, stitch)
- tachar (cross out, strike)
- tantear (grope, try)
- tapar (cover, fill)
- telefonear (call, phone)
- televisar (televise)
- terminar (end, complete)
- tertuliar (talk)
- timar (diddle, cheat)
- timbrar (stamp)
- tirar (pull, throw)
- tiritar (shiver, shake)
- titubear (hesitate, waver)
- tolerar (tolerate, accept)
- tomar (take, drink)
- tontear (mess around)
- atormentar (torment, plague)
- trabajar (work, operate)
- traicionar (betray)
- tramar (plot, scheme)
- tramitar (process)
- transfigurar (transfigure)
- transformar (transform, convert)
- transitar (transit, circulate)
- transpirar (sweat, perspire)
- transportar (transport, carry)
- trasladar (move, transfer)
- trasnochar (overnight)
- tratar (try, deal with)
- trepar (climb)
Interesting Fact: Though the following verbs suffer changes in the spelling of their ending when they are conjugated in some tenses, they are not considered irregular.
CAR Ending
- abarcar (cover, include)
- acercar (zoom in)
- adjudicar (award)
- calificar (grade)
- aparcar (park, pull over)
- aplicar (apply, implement)
- arrancar (start, pull)
- buscar (look, search)
- edificar (build, construct)
- empacar (pack, bag)
- enfocar (focus)
- hipotecar (mortgage)
- identificar (identify, pinpoint)
- implicar (involve, imply)
- inculcar (inculcate, instill)
- indicar (indicate, point)
- intoxicar (poison, intoxicate)
- invocar (invoke, plead)
- justificar (justify, excuse)
- lubricar (lubricate, oil)
- machacar (crush, mash)
- marcar (mark, dial)
- medicar (medicate, dose)
- mortificar (mortify)
- multiplicar (multiply, proliferate)
- notificar (inform, notify)
- opacar (obscure)
- pecar (sin, err)
- personificar (personify, embody)
- pescar (fish, hook)
- picar (chop, bite)
- planificar (plan, schedule)
- plastificar (laminate)
- platicar (talk, chat)
- predicar (preach)
- pronosticar (predict, forecast)
- provocar (cause, make)
- publicar (publish, post)
- purificar (purify, clear)
- ramificar (branch)
- rascar (scratch, scrape)
- ratificar (ratify, confirm)
- rectificar (rectify, correct)
- reedificar (rebuild)
- refrescar (refresh, cool)
- reivindicar (claim, assert)
- roncar (snore)
- sacar (take, remove)
- salpicar (splash, splatter)
- secar (dry, cure)
- simplificar (simplify, streamline)
- sofocar (stifle, smother)
- solidificar (solidify, strengthen)
- suplicar (plead, beg)
- testificar (testify, give evidence)
- tocar (touch, play)
- tonificar (tone, tone up)
- traficar (traffic, broker)
- ubicar (locate, place)
- unificar (unify, unite)
- verificar (verify, check)
- vindicar (vindicate)
GAR ending
- agregar (add)
- ahogar (drown)
- amargar (bitter)
- entregar (deliver)
- indagar (investigate)
- investigar (investigate)
- juzgar (judge)
- llegar (arrive)
- madrugar (get up early)
- mitigar (mitigate)
- naufragar (shipwreck)
- navegar (navigate)
- obligar (force)
- otorgar (give)
- pagar (pay)
- pegar (hit)
- plagar (plague)
- prolongar (extend)
- propagar (propagate)
- rasgar (tear)
- recargar (reload)
- regar (water)
- rogar (beg)
- sobrecargar (overload)
- subyugar (subjugate)
- vagar (wander)
IAR Ending
- ampliar (expand, extend)
- enviar (send, submit)
- espiar (spy, pry)
- guiar (guide, lead)
- liar (roll, bind)
- mecanografiar (type)
- reenviar (forward, resend)
- repatriar (repatriate, bring back)
- rociar (spray, drizzle)
- vaciar (empty, drain)
- variar (vary, change)
- malcriar (spoil)
GUAR Ending
- averiguar (find out, inquire)
ZAR Ending
- actualizar (update)
- alcanzar (reach)
- alzar (lift)
- caracterizar (characterize)
- amenazar (threat)
- analizar (analize)
- abrazar (embrace, hug)
- aderezar (season, dress)
- aterrizar (land, arrive)
- autorizar (authorize, permit)
- danzar (dance)
- endulzar (sweeten)
- hospitalizar (hospitalize)
- idealizar (idealize)
- ilegalizar (outlaw, forbid)
- individualizar (individualize)
- inmunizar (immunize)
- judicializar (prosecute)
- lanzar (launch, throw)
- localizar (locate, find)
- materializar (realize, materialize)
- memorizar (memorize, learn)
- miniaturizar (miniaturize)
- monetizar (monetize)
- monitorizar (monitor)
- monopolizar (monopolize)
- motorizar (motorize)
- nebulizar (nebulize)
- neutralizar (neutralize, neuter)
- organizar (organize, arrange)
- parcializar (bias)
- personalizar (customize, tailor)
- potabilizar (purify)
- priorizar (prioritize)
- privatizar (privatize)
- profundizar (deepen, dive)
- protagonizar (star)
- realizar (perform, conduct)
- rechazar (reject, decline)
- reemplazar (replace, substitute)
- responsabilizar (hold accountable)
- reutilizar (reuse, recycle)
- revitalizar (revitalize, revive)
- rezar (pray, recite)
- señalizar (signal, mark)
- sensibilizar (sensitize, educate)
- simpatizar (sympathize)
- sincronizar (synchronize, synch)
- sistematizar (systematize)
- socializar (socialize)
- sollozar (sob)
- suavizar (smooth, soften)
- totalizar (sum up)
- tranquilizar (reassure, calm)
- tropezar (trip, stumble)
- utilizar (use, apply)
- visualizar (display, view)
- vitalizar (vitalize)
- volatilizar (volatilize)
Regular Verbs that End in ER
- absorber (absorb)
- acceder (access)
- beber (drink)
- ceder (give, yield)
- comer (eat)
- cometer (commit)
- barrer (sweep, brush)
- comprender (understand, comprehend)
- comprometer (compromise, engage)
- conceder (grant, award)
- correr (run, race)
- corresponder (correspond, reciprocate)
- corromper (corrupt, defile)
- coser (sew, stitch)
- deber (should, must)
- depender (depend, rely)
- desprender (detach, release)
- emprender (undertake, begin)
- esconder (hide, conceal)
- exceder (exceed, surpass)
- interceder (intercede, intervene)
- lamer (lick)
- meter (put, pop)
- prender (turn on, fire)
- pretender (pretend, intend)
- proceder (proceed, move on)
- prometer (promise, vow)
- recorrer (travel, tour)
- repeler (repel, fight)
- responder (respond, answer)
- retroceder (back, retreat)
- romper (break, crack)
- socorrer (help, assist)
- someter (submit, subject)
- suceder (happen, occur)
- suspender (suspend, stop)
- tejer (weave, knit)
- temer (fear, dread)
- toser (cough)
- vender (sell)
Regular Verbs that End in IR
- abrir (open, unlock)
- difundir (disseminate, spread)
- aburrir (bore)
- acudir (go, attend)
- admitir (admit, accept)
- aludir (allude, mention)
- añadir (add, attach)
- escribir (write)
- asistir (attend, assist)
- batir (beat, whisk)
- combatir (combat, fight)
- comprimir (compress, zip)
- confundir (confuse, mislead)
- consumir (consume, use)
- crujir (creak, crunch)
- cubrir (cover, fill)
- cumplir (fulfill, comply)
- debatir (discuss, debate)
- decidir (decide, determine)
- definir (define, determine)
- deprimir (depress)
- describir (describe, depict)
- descubrir (discover, find out)
- desistir (withdraw, desist)
- discurrir (flow)
- discutir (discuss, dispute)
- dividir (divide, split)
- emitir (issue, cast)
- escupir (spit)
- evadir (evade)
- exhibir (display, showcase)
- fundir (melt, fuse)
- hundir (sink)
- impartir (impart)
- imprimir (print, press)
- infundir (instill, infuse)
- inscribir (register, enroll)
- insistir (insist, push)
- interrumpir (interrupt, disrupt)
- invadir (invade, overrun)
- nutrir (nurture, nourish)
- ocurrir (occur, happen)
- omitir (omit, ignore)
- oprimir (oppress, push)
- parir (give birth)
- partir (start, split)
- percibir (perceive, see)
- permitir (allow, enable)
- persistir (persist, persevere)
- persuadir (persuade, induce)
- prescindir (separate, disregard)
- prescribir (prescribe)
- presidir (preside)
- presumir (boast, show off)
- proscribir (banish, proscribe)
- recibir (receive, get)
- recubrir (cover, top)
- remitir (refer, send)
- repartir (distribute, share)
- reprimir (repress, suppress)
- residir (reside, live)
- resistir (resist, endure)
- resumir (summarize, synthesize)
- revivir (revive)
- sacudir (shake, rock)
- sobrevivir (survive)
- subir (upload, raise)
- subsistir (survive, subsist)
- sucumbir (succumb, give in)
- sufrir (suffer)
- suplir (supply)
- suprimir (remove, eliminate)
- surtir (furnish, stock)
- transcribir (transcribe)
- transcurrir (elapse, pass)
- transfundir (transfuse)
- transmitir (transmit, convey)
- trascurrir (go by, be held)
- trasmitir (transmit)
- vivir (live, experience)
- aplaudir (applaud, clap)
List of Spanish Irregular Verbs
Most of my non-native Spanish speaking friends have told me that they dread Spanish irregular verbs.
Conjugating the following irregular verbs is easier than you think! Most Spanish irregular verbs can be organized into groups that follow similar conjugation patterns.
You’ll realize that conjugating the verbs in the following list becomes easier as you start to recognize the group to which each verb belongs.
To learn about the conjugation of Spanish irregular verbs, visit the post called How to Conjugate Stem-changing Verbs in Spanish.
Irregular Verbs that End in AR
- estar (be, feel, lie)
- andar (step, go)
- dar (give, pass)
- jugar (play)
- regar (water)
- negar (deny, reject)
- empezar (start, begin)
- negar (deny)
- calentar (heat up)
- aferrar (cling to)
- pensar (think, feel)
- recalentar (reheat, overheat)
- recomendar (recommend, advise)
- reventar (burst, pop)
- sentar (sit, place)
- tentar (tempt, entice)
- acertar (guess, get right)
- soterrar (underground, conceal)
- manifestar (express, manifest)
- quebrar (break, go bankrupt)
- sembrar (sow, plant)
- temblar (shake, tremble)
- comenzar (start, begin)
- acostar (lay down)
- colgar (hang)
- renovar (renew, refurbish)
- apostar (bet, stake)
- contar (count, tell)
- mostrar (show, display)
- poblar (populate)
- probar (try, test)
- recordar (remember, recall)
- rodar (roll, make)
- soldar (weld, solder)
- soltar (release, drop)
- sonar (sound, ring)
- soñar (dream, imagine)
- tostar (toast, roast)
- volar (fly, soar)
- almorzar (have lunch)
- sosegar (calm)
- reforzar (strengthen, reinforce)
Irregular Verbs that End in ER
- caber (fit)
- haber (have)
- oler (smell, sniff)
- saber (know, can)
- ser (be)
- valer (avail, cost)
- ver (see, view)
- deshacer (undo, dissolve)
- hacer (do, perform)
- satisfacer (satisfy, meet)
- contener (contain, retain)
- detener (stop, halt)
- disponer (provide, lay out)
- entretener (entertain, amuse)
- exponer (expose, exhibit)
- imponer (impose, force)
- mantener (maintain, keep)
- oponer (oppose, refuse)
- poner (put, place)
- posponer (postpone, put off)
- predisponer (predispose, prejudice)
- proponer (propose, suggest)
- reponer (replenish, replace)
- retener (retain, hold)
- sobreponer (superimpose)
- sostener (sustain, support)
- suponer (assume, suppose)
- tener (need, have)
- atener [se] (abide, stick to)
- atraer (attract, draw)
- caer (fall, drop)
- distraer (distract, divert)
- extraer (remove, extract)
- recaer (relapse, revert)
- retraer (retract)
- sustraer (subtract, abstract)
- traer (bring, carry)
- contraer (contract, get)
- poseer (possess, have)
- proveer (provide, supply)
- leer (read)
- creer (believe, think)
- conmover (move, stir)
- devolver (return, repay)
- volver (return, go back)
- disolver (dissolve, disperse)
- envolver (wrap, engage)
- mover (move, shift)
- promover (promote, foster)
- resolver (resolve, solve)
- poder (be able, can)
- morder (bite, chew)
- llover [impersonal verb] (rain)
- doler (hurt, pain)
- demoler (demolish, tear down)
- verter (pour, discharge)
- tender (tend, extend)
- querer (want, like)
- malentender (misunderstand)
- extender (extend, spread)
- entender (understand, see)
- desatender (neglect, disregard)
- defender (defend, uphold)
- contender (fight, quarrel)
Irregular Verbs that End in IR
- ir (go)
- adherir (adhere, attach)
- advertir (warn)
- adquirir (acquire, buy)
- diferir (differ, defer)
- digerir (digest, absorb)
- herir (hurt, injure)
- inferir (infer, conclude)
- ingerir (eat, ingest)
- interferir (interfere)
- preferir (prefer)
- referir (refer, relate)
- transferir (transfer, assign)
- discernir (discern)
- divertir (entertain, amuse)
- sentir (feel, sense)
- revertir (reverse, revert)
- resentir (resent)
- presentir (sense)
- mentir (lie, cheat)
- invertir (invest)
- rugir (roar)
- sumergir (immerse, dip)
- surgir (arise, emerge)
- transigir (compromise)
- ungir (anoint)
- urgir (urge, hustle)
- dirigir (lead, direct)
- exigir (require, demand)
- infringir (infringe, break)
- producir (produce, cause)
- reducir (reduce, cut)
- seducir (seduce, attract)
- traducir (translate, interpret)
- inducir (induce, provoke)
- introducir (introduce, enter)
- lucir (wear, shine)
- perseguir (pursue, chase)
- distinguir (distinguish, differentiate)
- seguir (follow, continue)
- ocluir (occlude)
- destruir (destroy, crush)
- disminuir (decrease, reduce)
- distribuir (distribute, deliver)
- excluir (exclude, preclude)
- fluir (flow, stream)
- huir (flee, escape)
- incluir (include, incorporate)
- influir (influence, affect)
- instituir (institute)
- sustituir (replace, substitute)
- teñir (dye, stain)
- elegir (choose, select)
- regir (govern, operate)
- pedir (ask, request)
- derretir (melt, dissolve)
- despedir (dismiss, fire)
- freír (fry, cook)
- gemir (groan, moan)
- impedir (prevent, block)
- servir (help, serve)
- repetir (repeat, replicate)
- rendir (render, pay)
- reñir (quarrel, dispute)
- medir (measure, gauge)
- vestir (dress, wear)
- decir (say)
- predecir (predict, forecast)
- venir (come)
- oír (hear, listen to)
- sobresalir (excel, stand out)
- salir (leave, exit)
- intervenir (intervene, speak)
- morir (die, pass away)
- dormir (sleep, rest)
Woah! That was a long list! I hope it helped and don’t doubt to contact me if you have any questions!
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