Use the Spanish imperative to demand or require that an action be performed.

The imperative is one of the 3 moods of the Spanish language, and it is only found in the present tense.
Examples of the Spanish imperative are:
• Ten cuidado. (Be careful.)
• Haz clic aquí. (Click here.)
• Limpia tu habitación. (Clean your room.)
• Cierra la puerta. (Close the door.)
• Llama a un médico. (Call a doctor.)
• Veamos si funciona. (Let’s see if it works.)
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Uses of the Spanish Imperative
The Spanish imperative can be used to give commands, beg, give instructions, give advice, invite, and give permission.
give commands | ¡Sal de ahí! |
Get out of there! | |
beg | Ayúdame, por favor. |
Help me, please. | |
give instructions | Camina todo recto. |
Walk straight ahead. | |
give advice | Descansa un poco. |
Rest a bit. | |
invite | Venid a mi casa. |
Come to my house. | |
give permission | Sí, pasa adelante. |
Sure, come in. |
The Spanish imperative has 5 official forms: tú, vos, usted, vosotros, ustedes.
The nosotros form often expresses a suggestion and including it as part of the Spanish imperative is polemic.
Tú, vos, and usted have the same meaning: you [singular].
Vosotros or vosotras and ustedes translate as you [plural].
Let’s learn more about these little words!
Imperative of Tú
The Spanish imperative form of tú is the same as the simple present form of él in -ar, -er, and -ir verbs.

Examples of regular imperative forms of tú are:
• estudiar→ estudia
• trabajar→ trabaja
• leer → lee
• ver → ve
• imprimir → imprime
• abrir→ abre
The imperative of tú only has 8 irregular forms.
• ir → ve
• salir → sal
• venir → ven
• hacer → haz
• poner → pon
• decir → di
• tener → ten
• ser → sé
Imperative of Vosotros
Substitute the -r for -d in infinitive verbs to form the imperative of vosotros.
• estudiar→ estudiad

Examples of regular imperative forms of vosotros are:
• ir → id
• salir → salid
• venir → venid
• hacer → haced
• poner → poned
• decir → decid
• tener → tened
• ser → sed
Spaniards tend to not pronounce the -d in the imperatives of vosotros.
To differentiate between the imperatives of tú from vosotros pay attention to the stressed syllable.
• COme (tú)
• coMED (vosotros)
Imperative of Usted, Ustedes, Nosotros
Form the imperative of usted, ustedes and nosotros with the present subjunctive forms of él, ellos, and nosotros correspondingly.

Examples of regular imperative forms of usted, ustedes and nosotros are:
• estudiar→ estudie, estudien, estudiemos
• trabajar→ trabaje, trabajen, trabajemos
• leer → lea, lean, leamos
• ver → vea, vean, veamos
• imprimir → imprima, impriman, imprimamos
• abrir→ abra, abran, abramos
In most areas of Spain, the imperative of usted and ustedes is used to make a formal petition.
In America, Canarias and areas of Andalucía ustedes is used in formal and informal situations.
Imperative of Vos
Vos exists in almost every part of the Americas except most of Mexico, the Antilles, most of Peru and Venezuela, and the Atlantic coast of Colombia.

Examples of regular imperative forms of vos are:
• estudiar→ estudiá
• trabajar→ trabajá
• leer → leé
• ver → ve
• imprimir → imprimí
• abrir→ abrí
The imperative of vos has one notorious irregular form.
• ir → andá
Negative Imperatives
Always use the present subjunctive forms of -ar, -er, and -ir verbs to form the negative imperative.

Make negative petitions with these words.
• no comas
• nunca comas
• jamás comas
• tampoco comas
• ni comas
No, nunca, jamás, tampoco and ni are used to express negative statements.
Examples of negative imperatives are:
• no trabajes
• no hables
• no hagas ruido
• no comas
• no salgas de casa
• no fumes
• no bebas
Imperatives with Pronouns
Direct and indirect object pronouns are attached to the end of the verb in positive imperatives.
• Cuéntamelo.
• Ayúdanos.
• Llámame.
• Sepáralos.
• Bésalos.
Place indirect object pronouns, followed by direct object pronouns separately in negative imperatives.
• No me lo cuentes.
• No nos ayudes.
• No me llames.
• No los separes.
• No los beses.
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